शहरी स्थानीय निकाय विभागUrban Local Bodies Department

Message from Director's Desk

Puneet sharma

I am honored to address you as the Director of Urban Local Bodies, Jammu. Together, let's shape the future of our beautiful city and enhance the quality of life for all residents. Our department is committed to creating a modern, sustainable, and inclusive urban center. We value your active participation and feedback in our efforts to develop efficient infrastructure, smart mobility, environmental sustainability, and inclusive growth.

Visit our website for updates on projects, public consultations, and resources. Your engagement and ideas are essential in building a better Jammu.

Share your thoughts and concerns through our feedback section. We value transparency and your input helps us improve our services. Let's work together to create a prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable Jammu.

Warm regards,

Puneet Sharma
Director of Urban Local Bodies, Jammu